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Hooked on Fish logo

Fresh. Sustainable. Simple. 

Visit our fresh seafood market at
1036 West Bryn Mawr, Chicago

Or sign up for delivery
to your home
 or a location near you!

Robins have made a nest above our back door motion detector lights

and have hatched four fuzzy-headed peepers.

Both parents have been feeding them non-stop.
Ah, spring!









This week's house-made items

Salmon Burgers
Cod Cakes
Black Bean Seafood Soup
Crawfish Mac and Cheese
Halibut Miso Soup 



Tuesday through Friday 12:00 to 5:00

Saturday 11:00 to 5:00

We are hiring! Click here for more information.


The Weekly Catch 
May 7 to 11
Deliveries and in-store


Alaskan Halibut

Long line caught, Alaska

$30.00 per pound




The firm, flaky texture and mild flavor of Alaskan halibut make it a member favorite. It is commonly considered a premium white fish.

Halibut is among the largest fish in the sea—it is certainly the largest flat fish. Its usual size ranges from 20 to 40 pounds, but it can grow to 8 feet long. These days Alaskan halibut is strictly managed by the Pacific Halibut Commission.

Halibut flesh is thick, meaty, and firm, and its flavor is sweet and rich. It also affords the cook many preparation options, including grilling, roasting, baking, and broiling. Seafood Watch rates it a “Good Alternative,” and it is MSC (Marine Stewardship Council) certified. Moderate mercury level. Kosher.


Arctic Char

Land-based aquaculture, Iceland

$21.00 per pound



Everyone loves this fish! Raw arctic char, like salmon, has orange to pale pink flesh, but when cooked it fades to white. Despite the color of its raw flesh, char is genetically closer to trout than salmon. Its flavor is clean and mild, its texture is delicate, and it is full of heart-healthy omega-3’s.

The fat content of arctic char makes it adaptable to most cooking methods; it can be grilled, sautéed, broiled, or even smoked. According to Seafood Watch, farmed arctic char is "an excellent 'Best Choice'." Low mercury level. Kosher.

We also have

We have plenty more in our online store. Check it out!

Hooked on Fish was on WGN!
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Each week, we offer a selection of the freshest, tastiest fish available. Fish is delivered to us nearly every morning and you receive it the same day either at our store or via delivery or pickup at select locations throughout Chicago.

Man holding a trout
Fishing boat

We focus on being an eco-conscious, low-waste, sustainable business. To achieve this goal, we encourage our customers to sign-up on our website to become members and order ahead for pick-up at our store, a pickup location, or home delivery!

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